About me
My name is Jenn Rubio and as you can see, I am an Illustrator.
I was born in 1991 and I have always had a great attraction for art in all its facets and especially illustration. After completing the Artistic Baccalaureate, I studied a higher degree in Illustration (Valladolid) and later a Master in Digital Illustration at Arteneo (Madrid). My digital illustrations are tributes to my favorite characters from Pop culture. My realistic style is characterized by the use of very vibrant color palettes, although you can also see some works in black and white with a touch of color.
Throughout my career I have carried out different collaborations and works, highlighting:
- Since 2011 covers, back covers and interior illustrations for @fterStudio. "Renna in Unknown Lands" cover color, back cover Eurocorps Forever; Back cover "Zona @fter nº2" and cover "Zona @fter nº7" among others.
- Interior illustration for the comic " Golden Age World" (2012).
- Illustration for "Survival Manual" of Ana Bella's Charity Anthology edited by Apache (2015).
- Since 2019 covers for several novels from the Applehead publishing house ("Syrup"; "A month on Tinder being a gamer woman"; "Anatomy of a wild heart"; "Bud, a giant for a potato" and "Wes Craven, The man and his nightmares").
- Private commission for the offices of PlayStation Spain creating an illustration with more than 20 characters from the franchise.
To this day, apart from this type of commission, I dedicate myself to visiting different events on the peninsula where I show my work.